Panthera Africa Big Cat Sanctuary Needs Your Help!

Panthera Africa Big Cat Sanctuary Needs Your Help to keep feeding and caring for their animals!
On 19 August Panthera Africa Big Cat Sanctuary was able to once again open their doors to local tourists, after almost 6 months of lockdown, but still no international visitors as the South African borders have only just recently opened.
While they’re managing to make do with fewer helping hands by working harder and longer, they can’t manage without food for our animals.
It costs around R1 400 every month to feed one animal at Panthera Africa – and with 28 wild animals in their care, you can imagine how that quickly adds up.
Usually, their volunteer programme and the educational visits help to raise funds towards their total food bill. But unfortunately this was not possible this year due to lockdown!
It costs R350 per week to feed each animal at Panthera – R1400 per month. They would appreciate any help they can get towards putting food into their big cats bellies.
To make your gift safely online, please click here
All the big cats say a roaring thank you in advance for loving them enough to help.

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